infoQuant CGH Fusion
Category Genomics>Genetic Data Analysis/Tools
Abstract infoQuant’s CGH Fusion is a leading commercially available and industry proven bioinformatics package for cross-platform Copy Number data fusion designed for large multi-sample studies.
CGH Fusion is the ultimate end-to-end data analysis solution that facilitates construction of complex array Comparative Genome Hybridization (aCGH) datasets and identification of biologically meaningful regions of frequent aberrations.
CGH Fusion features/capabilities include:
1) Unsupervised large-scale batch processing --
Batch data analysis can be executed on raw or ratio data for hundreds or thousands of samples with a single mouse click to obtain and visualize gain/loss calls.
infoQuant’s unique data analysis approach allows you to process very large sets of array data within minutes.
2) Power of data fusion across samples --
CGH Fusion helps geneticists identify and visualize gain/loss regions that are common across patients with similar medical conditions. Using CGH Fusion you can also easily compare copy number patterns between different groups of patients.
3) Construction of in-house copy number variation (CNV) tracks --
CGH Fusion can turn a tedious procedure of accumulating in-house sets of known copy number variants into a simple and interactive task.
It allows its users to build sets of normal or clinically relevant CNVs utilizing large collections of samples.
Seamless integration with oneClickCGH (see G6G Abstract Number 20217) makes them custom CNV tracks available for reference in routine diagnostic tests.
This facilitates constant interaction between research and diagnostic processes within an institution.
4) Compatibility with major array platforms --
CGH Fusion is compatible with raw and ratio data formats used by major array CGH platforms [Agilent, Affymetrix, Axon (Genepix), etc.].
Researchers can analyze data extracted from different array CGH platforms within a single experiment.
Compare genomic variation regions for aCGH datasets generated by different labs or even different institutions.
5) Unprecedented level of data interaction --
CGH Fusion was designed for unprecedented data interaction experience and ease of use.
It is built to help you navigate between copy number profiles for different biological conditions and to let you drill any CNV region down to probe level of individual samples.
Its software interface is enriched with gene information, disorder associations and publicly available CNV tracks, which you can navigate in an intuitive and responsive manner.
System Requirements
Contact manufacturer.
- infoQuant, Ltd.
- Suite 326
- 8 Shepherd Market
- Mayfair, London
- W1J 7JY
- UK
- Tel: UK: +44 (0) 203 0020296
- Tel: U.S.: +1 617 475-5167
Manufacturer Web Site infoQuant CGH Fusion
Price Contact manufacturer.
G6G Abstract Number 20216
G6G Manufacturer Number 101416