NCI CGAP Pathways Database

Category Cross-Omics>Pathway Knowledge Bases/Databases/Tools

Abstract NCI CGAP Pathways Database provides diagrams of biological pathways and protein complexes, with links to genetic resources for each known protein.

Pathways on the Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP) web site have been obtained directly from BioCarta (see G6G Abstract Number 20264) and KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes).

In addition, CGAP has linked each human gene in BioCarta and each human enzyme in KEGG to its CGAP Gene Info page, and each intermediary metabolite in KEGG to a CGAP Compound Info page.

1) View Pathways via--

2) Search Pathways via the 'Pathway Searcher' (see below) which allows you to --

CGAP Pathway Searcher --

BioCarta and KEGG define their pathways in different ways (as stated above) --

BioCarta displays gene interactions within pathways for cellular processes, such as apoptosis and cell cycle regulation, and includes diagrams of molecular assemblies.

KEGG displays enzymes and intermediary compounds within metabolic and regulatory pathways, also includes diagrams of molecular assemblies, and connects one pathway with another.

There are only a few pathways that are common to both BioCarta and KEGG.

As a result, the CGAP Pathway Searcher has been designed to primarily search the two sets of pathways separately.

Pathway Searcher search field(s) options/entry info -

1) Keyword in Title of BioCarta and KEGG Pathways -

2) Gene Identifier in BioCarta and KEGG Pathways -

3) Enzyme or Compound in KEGG -

Pathway List Page --

The results of every Pathway Searcher query are returned on a Pathway List Page.

The list contains one or more pathways that meet the selected search criteria, and each pathway is linked to its Pathway Graphic View.

If the query was to search for pathways connecting two enzymes or compounds, the list would show the interactions between the given components.

Pathway Graphic View --

1) BioCarta Pathways -

2) KEGG Pathways -

Note: BioCarta and KEGG pathways are curated by their individual owners.

System Requirements

Web based.


Developed by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) / Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP).

Manufacturer Web Site NCI CGAP Pathways Database

Price Academicians and non-academicians must refer to BioCarta Terms and Conditions and KEGG Terms and Conditons for additional use of this material.

G6G Abstract Number 20316

G6G Manufacturer Number 101852