
Category Cross-Omics>Knowledge Bases/Databases/Tools and Genomics>Gene Expression Analysis/Profiling/Tools

Abstract miR2Disease is a manually curated database, that aims at providing a comprehensive resource of microRNA deregulation in various human diseases.

The current version of miR2Disease documents ~2,920 curated relationships between 349 human microRNAs and 163 human diseases by reviewing more than 600 published papers.

Around one-seventh of the microRNA-disease relationships represent the pathogenic roles of deregulated microRNA in human disease.

Each entry in the miR2Disease contains detailed information on a microRNA-disease relationship, including a microRNA ID, the disease name, a brief description of the microRNA-disease relationship, an expression pattern of the microRNA, the detection method for microRNA expression, experimentally verified target gene(s) of the microRNA and a literature reference.

In addition, miR2Disease offers a submission page that allows researchers to submit established microRNA-disease relationships that are Not documented. Once approved by the submission review committee, the submitted records will be included in the database.

miR2Disease Data Collection and Database Content --

Initial entries describing the relationships between microRNA deregulation and occurrences of human disease are collected manually.

The manufacturers searched the PubMed database with a list of keywords, such as ‘microRNA disease’, ‘miRNA disease’, ‘microRNA cancer’, ‘miRNA cancer’, etc.

In the miR2Disease system, the disease terminologies are organized based upon a controlled medical vocabulary (Disease Ontology), which utilizes the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) as a source vocabulary.

Such organization provides substantial advantage in terms of search and analysis.

Each entry in the database contains detailed information on a microRNA-disease relationship, including a microRNA ID, the disease name, a brief description of the microRNA-disease relationship, an expression pattern of microRNA (up-regulated or down-regulated) in the disease state;

The detection method used to derive the microRNA expression pattern (microarray, northern blot, qRT-PCR, etc.), the experimentally validated target gene(s) extracted from the corresponding references and directly derived from TarBase, and a literature reference.

miR2Disease provides a user-friendly interface for an easy query of each entry by microRNA ID, disease name or experimentally validated target genes.

In addition, convenient links are provided to other microRNA databases, including microRNA sequence and annotation in miRBase, experimentally validated microRNA target genes in TarBase and computationally predicted microRNA target genes in TargetScan, miRanda and PicTar.

A hyperlink to the literature reference in the NCBI PubMed database together with an official PubMed ID and complete citation are also provided.

miR2Disease Search/Results page --

miR2Disease provides a search engine to query detailed information on each microRNA-disease relationship documented in the database. Users can query the database through microRNA ID, disease name or target genes.

miR2Disease offers a ‘fuzzy search’ function.

Combining with the controlled disease vocabulary (disease ontology), fuzzy search functionality allows users to retrieve meaningful microRNA-disease relationship information, without knowing the exact disease name documented in the database.

Once a certain disease name is received as a query term, the system searches all the disease terminologies that contain the query words.

The matching disease terminology will then be listed in the context of a disease tree, which contains its ancestor nodes as well as all of its subcategories.

In the matching disease tree, the categories that contain query terminologies are highlighted as bold, and a hyperlink is created for every category that contains documented microRNA-disease relationships.

Through these hyperlinks, users can retrieve all the microRNA entries that are related to the selected disease terminology.

In the search results page, clicking the ‘more ...’ link at the end of the entry will lead the user to more detail information about this relationship.

In the miR2Disease system, the concept of ‘target genes’ can be classified into three (3) categories:

1) The target genes reported in the original reference;

2) The target genes documented in the TarBase system (experimentally validated targets); and

3) The predicted targets from computational tools (Miranda, TargetScan or PicTar).

TarBase - TarBase 5.0 is a database which houses a manually curated collection of experimentally supported microRNA (miRNA) targets in several animal species of central scientific interest, plants, and viruses.

The ‘search’ by ‘target genes’ functionality allows users to search microRNA-disease relationships from the target genes of the first two (2) categories (reported targets and experimentally validated targets).

Searching through the computationally predicted targets category will be included in a future release.

The causal relationship between disease and microRNA is documented and listed in both the searching results page and the detailed relationship page.

In addition, the system also allows users to filter the search results, by only selecting causal relationships.

Overall, miR2Disease provides a comprehensive resource of microRNA deregulation in human disease.

The manufacturers believe that miR2Disease will be of particular interest to the life science community and facilitates the biologists to unravel the role of microRNA in the pathogenesis of human disease.

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G6G Abstract Number 20650

G6G Manufacturer Number 104248