NeuroSolutions for MATLAB

Category Intelligent Software>Neural Network Systems/Tools

Abstract The NeuroSolutions for MATLAB neural network toolbox is a valuable addition for MATLAB users who want to leverage the power of NeuroSolutions (see G6G Abstract Number 20036) inside MATLAB (see Note 1).

The toolbox features 15 neural models, 6 learning algorithms and a host of useful utilities that enables one to employ the power of neural networks to solve complicated real-world problems. All the capabilities are integrated in an easy-to-use interface, which requires “next to No knowledge” of neural networks to begin using. It allows you to concentrate on solving your problem using neural networks without having to spend many taxing hours perusing neural network literature and developing the algorithms yourself.

The toolbox is also integrated with NeuroSolutions. This enables users to build custom networks in NeuroSolutions, generate dynamic link libraries (DLLs) for those networks using the Custom Solution Wizard and then use those neural network DLLs inside MATLAB using the NeuroSolutions for MATLAB interface.

Additional product features/capabilities include:

The toolbox features several variants of the following neural models:

1) Multi-Layer Perceptron;

2) Generalized Feed Forward network;

3) Modular neural network;

4) Support Vector Machine;

5) Partially Recurrent neural network;

6) Fully Recurrent neural network;

7) Time-Lag Recurrent neural network.

The following 6 learning algorithms are featured along with the powerful Levenberg-Marquardt method:

1) Step;

2) Momentum;

3) Quickprop;

4) Delta-Bar-delta;

5) Conjugate Gradient;

6) Levenberg-Marquardt.

Symbolic data translation:

Symbolic data translation allows you to use textual data as input to a neural network. The symbolic data translation function comes paired with the inverse translation function that translates data back to symbols once all other tasks are completed.

Image flattening utility:

The image flattening utility flattens an image into a single row of data, so that it can be fed into a neural network.

Performance indicators:

The performance indicators function reveals how well the neural network has trained with statistical indicators.

Note 1: MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks faster than with traditional programming languages such as C, C++, and FORTRAN.

System Requirements

Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista; 128MB RAM; 100MB free disk space.


Manufacturer Web Site NeuroDimension, Inc.

Price Student version $95, Standard version $795, Suite $3,995; University site license: $995 1 Standard version license + Unlimited Student version licenses, $3395 Unlimited Standard version licenses

G6G Abstract Number 20037

G6G Manufacturer Number 101916